“My friend got me to understand how crypto worked by telling me in 2018 to get some crypto currency and buy a cryptopunk. It took me 5 hours. Best decision of my life. I never looked back. Knowing John and Matt from New York early crypto meetup has been a great human and professional experience. And then the rest is history.“

What I love about this work

Artist Name: Larvalabs
Artwork Title: Cryptopunk 4150
Series Size: 10,000
Creation Date: June 2017
Genre: Collectibles
Description: 10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain. The Cryptopunks are one of the earliest examples of a "Non-Fungible Token" on Ethereum, and were inspiration for the ERC-721 standard that powers most digital art and collectibles. The CryptoPunks are 10,000 uniquely generated characters. No two are exactly alike, and each one of them can be officially owned by a single person on the Ethereum blockchain. Originally, they could be claimed for free by anybody with an Ethereum wallet, but all 10,000 were quickly claimed. Now they must be purchased from someone via the marketplace that's also embedded in the blockchain. 
Platform: Self-hosted
Blockchain: Ethereum
Link to the NFT:  https://cryptopunks.app/cryptopunks/details/4150
  1. The original cryptopunks documentary by Sherone: https://cryptopunksorigins.com/
  2. NFT NOW interview with Matt and John for the new Cryptopunk documentary: https://nftnow.com/features/cryptopunks-documentary-larva-labs-interview/ 
  3. Dapp.com interview from 2018: https://medium.com/dapp-com/cryptopunks-the-solution-to-digital-art-8e34302aed77
  4. Artnome article Is Art Blockchain’s Killer App: https://www.artnome.com/news/2018/10/26/is-art-blockchains-killer-app


DJPEPE Card by Rarescrilla