Painting by CryptoArte
“I met Sebastian in 2022 via the HNFT Festival and when I decided to move to Argentina (where he is from). I was eager to discover more about this early, historical generative NFT project that traces back the history of the Ethereum blockchain via colors, shapes and other visual effects. This project has inspired many more recent projects and it's an honor to be the guardian of one of these pieces.”
What I love about this work
Artist Name: CryptoArte (Sebastian Brocher)
Artwork Title: Painting #9521
Series Size: 9,895
Creation Date: July 2018
Genre: Generative Art
Platform: (artist-specific)
Blockchain: Ethereum
Link to the NFT:
Description: CryptoArte is a multi-disciplinary project that blends together the Ethereum network, an art collection, a non-fungible token, and a decentralized application. The CryptoArte collection currently consists of 9,895 unique, single edition paintings. Each painting represents 576 consecutive blocks of the Ethereum blockchain through a meaningful combination of shapes, colors, decorations, and more (see paintings). For example, Painting #0 is an artistic representation of blocks 0 (the genesis block) through 575. Painting #1 goes from block 576 to block 1,151, and so and so on. The paintings were created by mathematically transforming the publicly available Ethereum blockchain information. The transformation is deterministic, and the same for all the paintings. The collection hence illustrates the Ethereum blockchain history by projecting several data points and statistics (e.g.: amounts transacted, block miners, etc.) into colorful paintings.
Collection Website: