“An iconic project by Kevin Abosch that mastered the art of expectation. Multiple months building up momentum on Telegram by the artist himself, a genius generative code, a satellite… All elements that made the project the iconic moment in crypto art it now stands for.“

What I love about this work

Artist Name: Kevin Abosch
Artwork Title: 1111 #086
Series Size: 1111
Creation Date: March 2021
Genre: Generative Art
Description: 1111 unique works. Using machine-learning algorithms in both practical and impractical ways Abosch's cryptographic alphanumerics sublimate into a lingual arcana and repository of sacred knowledge — The artist’s hexadecimal testimony. Kevin Abosch’s ‘1111’ series comes from the same rhizome of theory as Generative Art: presenting automated hash data as figurative, Non-Fungible Tokens. Abosch is an agent of secrecy, and - until now - nobody knew of the artist’s ‘hidden message’ he suggested to have embed within 1,111 NFTs, floating in OpenSea’s marketplace. The artist has since revealed the mystery behind his work, which appeared to have something to do with satellites. With ‘1111’, Kevin Abosch announces the planned launch of the world’s first ever NFT satellite - the ‘1111 KOSMOS.’
Platform: Opensea
Blockchain: Ethereum
Link to the NFT:  https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x7f72528229f85c99d8843c0317ef91f4a2793edf/86
  1. Project page: https://kevinabosch.com/1111/
  2. https://www.katevassgalerie.com/news/crypto-art-pioneer-kevin-abosch-drops-1111-23rd-march-2021

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